Author C.L. Cabrera
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Author C.L. Cabrera

With heart-pounding action and unforgettable characters, I Am Armageddon is a gripping page-turner that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.

All nurses are angels, but not all nurses have wings. Wylie does. She just doesn’t know it yet.

Reeling from the loss of her family, emergency room nurse Wylie is destined to be the catalyst of the apocalypse. As she grieves, angelic abilities surface. Wylie learns her true identity and the terrible prophecy that comes with it.

Only two men can help her now, the human doctor with whom she has an inhuman connection and the angel who has searched for her since the original sin.

With them at her side, she delves deeper into the world of angels and their fight for freedom. Soon Wylie realizes the prophecy may be a self-fulfilling one.

Book Three Armageddon Avenged is releasing Today! January 1st, 2024! So make sure you pick up all three! Find it bellow!


For my first featured author, I am excited to present C.L. Cabrera one of my good author friends and a great author! Now I am not just putting her as a featured author because she is my friend. I am also a fan of her books!

Cabrera is a nurse by night, a mother by day, and an author every other moment of her day! She is a supportive member of the writing community and so much more! She is a coordinator for Books & Beaches, an upcoming new book festival. There is nothing she can't do a lot like your main character, Wylie!

If you are looking for a book that will both emotionally destroy you as well as provide the spice and badass action, where better to look than her Angel Urban Fantasy I Am Armageddon ! Every tear shed while reading is well worth it.

My opinions may give too many spoilers, but I shall say this: You won't regret picking this series up and giving it a read.

And if you are in the mood for a saphic novel or sultry poetry, look no further because she also has you covered!

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