Keeper of Crimson Petals by Winter Lie
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Keeper of Crimson Petals

Updated: Jan 26

By Winter Lie

I received this book as an arc and I have to admit I didn’t remember signing up for it. But, I went ahead and read it to get a review up near the release and help out. I’m a bit late….

I was surprised by just how much I enjoyed this book. Even with getting an arc that had quite a few mistakes still, I was so into the story I didn’t care.

I loved Asher and Jasmine’s relationship. I am a sucker for a guy that falls first. There banter was fun and it was obvious how Asher felt before admiring it to the readers it was cute. They really made the book a four star for me.

It is a classic take on a mage and bodyguard. Jasmine being the guard and Asher the mage but it didn’t feel cliche or boring. The story was interesting the whole way.

I would say the only thing I disliked is that the ending seemed rushed and left a lot of questions about the person they defeated. It is obviously a first book but I feel like there wasn’t much information given to close it off well. So the second book is very needed and I hope things get answered more throughly there.

Over all I recommend you give it a read not to mention the cover is beautiful. Last I checked I didn’t see a physical copy for sale yet but when one comes up I’ll be adding it to my shelf.

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