The Assassin's Curse and The Pirates Wish Douology Review 3 Stars
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The Assassin's Curse and The Pirates Wish Douology Review 3 Stars

I'm only giving this series as a whole a 3-star rating. The story is good and is worth reading, but the main female lead is lacking a lot in development from beginning to end.

TAC is a good book with a decent voice. So long as you don’t mind a dumber-than-average MC who can’t use her head to not get herself into trouble. I mean, that is my only real complaint. The girl fucking walks out after she is warned over and over not to since it is dangerous. The moment the assassin is in a trance, what does she do? She walks the fuck outside like a bratty teenager, which I guess is what she is at 17.

TPW: So I was hoping with book two that she would maybe learn a bit, but it took ten minutes before she wandered outside again after being warned of danger. Then, at the 21-minute mark (I listened on audio), she did it again like my god. Book two, overall, had me drop the rating overall to a 3 from a 4. I was really hoping for character growth, but in truth, she never even remotely grows in any way. Until the end, she’s the same, and I think it’s annoying.

The story, however, is good. I like world-building and magic. It’s interesting, and lots of other characters are meaningful. I even liked the male lead throughout the story. I just hate characters whose entire point is to progress the plot by walking into trouble with no semblance of self-preservation, which describes Annana to a perfect T.

I wouldn’t say it’s a don’t read. The stories are quick and overall good. But don’t expect the female main character to grow even the tiniest amount.

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