Stars Like Fate Trilogy | Brie. Lajada
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Stars Like Fate

Book one to a series, Stars Like Fate takes the high fantasy genre to a new place with a twist of mystery. Stars Like Fate takes readers on a journey of lies, half-truths, and a hidden past. With a unique plot filled with twists, subtle and intriguing world building, and alluring character development, it is a read that keeps you wanting more.

The stars have always watched over the realms, though none have ever intervened after that first fateful encounter that gave magic to the world. Or so all had thought.

King Nyole's kingdom of Asha soon becomes ensnared in another kingdom's coils. Instead of resisting their control and risking the lives of the Wrynush people, Nyole chooses to protect Asha at the expense of himself. He works for the kingdom's ruler as their personal royal mage. When the prospect of his kingdoms immunity is up for grabs, Nyole takes the opportunity. His new job: to find where the last Cerassan Princess hid the key that locked away her magic.

Nyole faces Princess Saphryis, a woman shrouded in forgotten history and whose path from the star of fate is so tangled, Nyole begins to doubt everything he was taught about the red star his family so proudly follows. He soon discovers that his family's dark secrets have tied Saphryis and Nyole's fates together and faces the consequence of knowing a history he may have never wanted to know.


Stars Like Sacrifice

Book 2 of the Stars Like Fate Series:

The stars have manipulated the lives of four beings, and they are not done yet. Nyole is soon reunited with Saphryis to rest before finishing princess’s memories. During this time, he finds himself drawn closer to her, yet his growing feelings are the least of his worries. The dead king’s soul still hides deep within him, along with a new magic that does not want to listen. Not only that but Saphryis seems focused on keeping his growing feelings at bay and forcing distance.


Confused and not willing to give up he spends every second of the small amount of time they have, with her. But she is keeping secrets once again and King Nyole is not happy about being left out of her plans. Their time to relax soon ends and the last door must be opened. A door that hides what truly happened between her and the late King Pryce. Memories of why her magic and memories are locked away.


Who knows of what is to come and just how many people will play a role in the war that is to come. With one final plan to unfold before the war, Saphryis must shatter the heart of the one person that holds hers.


The last bit of calm before the storm, the Stars will put all the beings in place.

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Cover art by Kahlart 


Stars Like War

With new allies and a brewing war, the two royals have much to take on...including their wedding. Stars Like War: Final installment of the Stars Like Fate Trilogy.


Between increased attacks on the ward from Navryis, Saphryis vanishing once again, and the whole Wrynush Kingdom on high alert, King Nyole only knows vexation. His only relief is bullying his new toy Davin, the Druid Prince, and sulking about the castle. But he can’t keep brooding for long. The Stars have a plan, but they need him to make it work. With new magic now brimming inside of him and unexpected allies, both old and new, Nyole will play the true role the Stars have planned for him.


Saphryis can’t stay away for long. As her brother plans his attack, she is forced out of hiding to confront the mate she abandoned. When she returns, Nyole makes sure she can never leave him again and this time he's the one keeping secrets. With fear still heavy in her heart, she has little hope for an ending that won’t destroy it. But now, face to face with Nyole once again, she decides that she is willing to break herself to ensure his future.


Determined to end this war by saving both his people and his mate. He will not allow any more sacrifices to be made by the Veltinous siblings, and if he has it his way, death will not be as welcomed as anticipated.

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