Warrior Protect | Brie. Lajada
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Two Kingdoms. Two problems. One solution. An arranged marriage is in the works to combine the lands and families of Princess Aurora and Prince Cade. One side gains wealth. The other gains protection. For Aurora is no ordinary human. She is a Warrior Protect, a title given to those born with the magic of healing and trained for years in the arts of sword and shield-play. Cade is not as helpless as he seems with his magic growing and a natural warrior heart as well. Can they both stop death from looming over them?


Aurora Coriere is stuck. As a princess with self-set principles, she cannot choose between hating the man she is to marry or accepting that she said yes. It is not until her wedding day that she realizes her now-husband is more than worthy of her love and protection. It’s a good thing too, because it will take full dedication to keep him alive. Between betraying court members and the most notorious assassin guild, no amount of skill or magic could have prepared her for what is to come.


Cade de Hanivel meets his future wife and protector and is immensely taken with her. Unfortunately, his looks and personality always come off to people as less than desirable at first glance. With her finally accepting him after their wedding and their relationship mending, he finds the need to protect her himself growing. With magic long forgotten in his blood, he will try to keep her from giving everything for him.

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